April 14, 2006

Pushing the limit.

Sorry for the delay— I've been busy getting set up on my shiny new MacBook Pro (2 ghz, no less). This equates to: the transfer of RSS feeds, bookmarks, video, and documents from my old rig, the installation of Microsoft Windows XP, no doubt with the help of Boot Camp, of which I owe deeply for its native ATI drivers allowing me to play Half-Life and F.E.A.R., and finally the wonderful experience of this:

Yep, that's my two-week-old MacBook Pro's screen. And yes, that's a crack. A real, OMGWTF crack in the screen. It happened last night — I was editing together a montage — and iMovie HD crashed. I lost an hour of work, so I yanked my earbuds out, punched the desk, and stormed the room. Here's the good part: when I yanked my $9 pair of earbuds out, they swung across the desk and smashed into the MacBook's screen. Not even kidding. Ten seconds of being frustrated = cracked screen on a computer that cost more than some people's car. I was deeply upset— I just made sure to stay away from the computer while I had my iPod on. Who knew? So I'm not sure what to do now. It's pretty distracting, and they'd have to replace the whole display to get rid of the problem. I don't even want to know how much that would cost... At least you can still use the computer— I admit I'm glad my earbud hit there instead of the middle. Either way, it's going to cost me selling my soul again to fix it if we decide to go that route. I just ponder, am I the only retard to have this happen or what? *sigh*